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Cave of Hira (Gaar-e-Hira)

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) received the first revelation of the Quran in the Cave of Hira in the month of Ramadan in 610 CE. Lying about 2 miles from the holy Kaabah, Cave of Hira is small in size, around 4 meter in length and one and half meter in width. 
Prophet (pbuh) first began to have revelations in the form of dreams that came true. He would often go to Cave Hira to meditate in solitude for a number of days. He would stock up and take provisions with him to stay at an extended period of time. This went on for some time until Truth was revealed to him through the angel Jibreel (AS).

One night when he was alone in the cave, Jibreel (AS) came to him in the form of a man and asked him to “Read!” Prophet (pbuh) replied “I cannot read”.  The angel asked him again to “Read” after pressing him. Again the Prophet (pbuh) replied “I cannot read”. The angel further embraced him again and said “Read!” for the third time, the Prophet (pbuh) said “I cannot read”. Jibreel (AS) released him and revealed the following verses: 
“Read in the name of your Lord, the Creator. He Who created man from a clot. Read! And your Lord is the Most Bounteous. Who taught by the Pen, taught man what he knew not.” [96:1-5]
Quran tells us that the first revelation was descended on the ‘Night of Power’ (Lailatul Qadir) in the month of Ramadan. The entire Quran was revealed over a period of about 22 years. 
“The month of Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was revealed.” [2:185]
“We have indeed revealed this message during the Night of Power.” [97:1]